internal diseases
To diagnose and treat internal diseases, one should refer to an internal medicine specialist. As you may know, examining each internal system of the body requires its own specific expertise. Therefore, the question arises as to what exactly internal medicine encompasses. In general, an internal medicine physician is someone responsible for diagnosing and treating medical conditions in adults, excluding surgical procedures. Whether you are suffering from common illnesses or your condition is more complex, you should undergo initial examinations under the supervision of an internal medicine doctor.
Thus, a specialist in internal medicine is a physician who provides primary care for patients and also works as a consultant for other specialists. This means that if an internist becomes aware of a specific type of disease during their examinations that requires specialized treatment, they provide the initial information and tests to the specialist and guide them in the treatment process.
An internist can diagnose and treat a wide range of diseases, including, for example:
• Hypertension
• Dyslipidemia and diabetes
• Occurrence of infections in the body
• Anemia
• Respiratory disorders and diseases, including shortness of breath and chronic bronchitis
• Digestive problems, including abdominal pain and indigestion
• Examining diseases in adolescents and adults
• Dietary planning for the treatment of obesity and underweight
However, as mentioned before, an internist should advance treatment as much as possible, but whenever the presence of a specialist is deemed necessary, the patient should be referred to them, and the internist should serve as a treatment guide.